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Girl Scouts Biofabrication Patch
Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains (GSGWM) has pioneered a collaborative and creative partnership with ARMI | BioFabUSA to increase exposure to the field of biofabrication and its impact and value to society.

Girl Scouts are go-getters, innovators, risk-takers and leaders. With a consistently growing membership, Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains (GSGWM) currently serves 10,314 girls across Vermont and New Hampshire and is recognized as one of the most vibrant Girl Scout councils in the country.

In response to an ARMI | BioFabUSA education and workforce development project call, GSGWM has piloted the creation of a Biofabrication Patch and associated curriculum that provides Girl Scouts in grades K-12 with diverse opportunities to engage in innovative STEM programs. Those programs highlight and introduce foundational concepts for the biofabrication field, ultimately allowing them to earn a Biofabrication Patch like the one displayed here. Through biofabrication-related activities, in-person biofabrication demonstrations and workshops, and in-person and online curriculum training, Girl Scouts has the potential to increase exposure of STEM, including the biofabrication industry, to thousands of girls on an annual basis.
Did You Know?
In addition to creating the Girl Scouts Biofabrication Patch and associated curriculum, Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains is also incorporating tissue engineering and regenerative medicine content into its pre-existing STEM programming.